AP Statistics

Chapter 2   Exploring Two-Variable Data
Unit 2-1 Unit 2-2 Unit 2-3 Unit 2-4 Unit 2-5
Unit 2-1 Two Categorical Variables, Representations and Statistics Outline
  1. Use graphical representations of two categorical variables to compare data and determine if variables are potentially associated.
  2. Evaluate data in two-way tables
  3. Generate joint relative frequencies from data in two-way tables.
  4. Assignment 2-1:
Unit 2-2 Correlations and Representing the Relationship Between Two Variables Outline
  1. Represent bivariate data with a scatterplot
  2. Describe the relationship in a scatterplot
  3. Calculate and interpret the correlation coefficient, r, in context.
  4. Assignment 2.2: Pg. 132 #1-5
Unit 2-3 Linear Regression Models and Least Squares Regression Outline
  1. Write the equation for a regression line.
  2. Interpret the slope and y-intercept of a regression line in context.
  3. Detect when extrapolation occurs.
  4. Assignment 2.3:
Unit 2-4 Residuals & Residual Plots Outline
  1. Calculate residuals and make a residual plot.
  2. Determine if regression model is a good fit for data.
  3. Interpret, in context, the correlation coefficient and the coefficient of determination.
  4. Interpret se , the standard error.
  5. Analyze the impact of influential points on a regression
  6. Assignment 2.4:
Unit 2-5 Analyzing Departures from Linearity Outline
  1. Perform a power regression.
  2. Perform transformation regressions.
  3. Assignment 2.5: