AP Statistics

Chapter 1   Graphical Analysis
Unit 1-1 Unit 1-2 Unit 1-3 Unit 1-4 Unit 1-5 Unit 1-6 Unit 1-7
Unit 1-1 The Language of Variation Outline
  1. Articulate the difference between categorical and numerical data.
  2. Articulate the difference between discrete and continuous random variables.
  3. Identify categorical data, numerical data, discrete variables, and continuous variables.
  4. Become fluent in the language of statistics.
  5. Assignment 1-1: Pg 22 #1-6
Unit 1-2 Representing Categorical Variables with Tables & Charts Outline
  1. Interpret categorical data on a frequency distribution and bar chart.
  2. Construct a bar chart.
  3. Identify and interpret limitations of different methods of displaying categorical data.
  4. Assignment 1-2: Pg. 34 #1, 3, 4, 6
Unit 1-3 Representing Quantitative Variables with Graphs Outline
  1. Identify continuous and discrete variables.
  2. Identify the different ways of displaying quantitative data.
  3. Construct a stem-and-leaf plot.
  4. Construct a dotplot.
  5. Construct a histogram.
  6. Assignment 1-3: Pg 53 #1-6
Unit 1-4 Describing the Distribution of a Quatitative Variable Outline
  1. Identify features of datasets
  2. Describe distributions for qualitative variables using statistical language.
  3. Describe histograms, dotplots, and stem-and-leaf displays using Shape, Outliers, Center, and Spread (“SOCS”).
  4. Assignment 1-4: Pg. 65 #1-5, 7
Unit 1-5 Summary Statistics for a Quantitative Variable and Graphical Representations Outline
  1. Represent a dataset with a “box-and-whisker” plot (also known as a “boxplot”)
  2. Calculate mean, median, Q1, Q3, interquartile range, and outliers.
  3. Make a 5 number summary for a boxplot
  4. Assignment 1-5: Pg. 80 #1-6
Unit 1-6 Introduction to the Normal Distribution and the Empirical Rule Outline
  1. Calculate deviations and standard deviations.
  2. Sketch a normal distribution curve.
  3. Apply the empirical rule to normally distributed datasets.
  4. Calculate z-scores and percentiles.
  5. Assignment 1-6: Pg 95 #1-5


Unit 1-7 Comparing Distributions of a Quantitative Variable Outline
  1. Use histograms, boxplots, and stem-and-leaf displays to compare two sets of independent data.
  2. Compare independent datasets using mean, standard deviation, IQR, or median.
  3. Assignment 1-7: Pg. 102 #1, 3, 4