AP Statistics

Chapter 12   Chi-Square Hypothesis Testing
Unit 12-1 Unit 12-2
Unit 12-1 Chi-Square Tests for Univariate Data Outline
  1. Run a Chi-squared Test for Goodness of Fit.
  2. Use the Graphing Calculator to Find a Goodness of Fit both Analytically and Graphically
  3. Assignment 12-1: Pg. 662 #12.1, 12.2, 12.7, 12.8, 12.9, 12.12
Unit 12-2 Large-Sample Inferences Concerning a Difference Between Two Proportions Outline
  1. Conduct a test of significance for a population mean.
  2. Assignment 12-2: Pg. 675 #12.14, 12.15, 12.20, 12.26